An Introduction to Hospice

What is Hospice Care?

Hospice care provides health and emotional support services to patients at the end of life, their families, and their caregivers to reduce stress, alleviate suffering, and maintain dignity.

But hospice is not just about death—it’s about living well until the end. Read on to learn about what many call “The Gift of Hospice” and how Our Lady of Peace can help.

Hospice is a philosophy of care focused on a patient’s quality of life.

Someone might opt for hospice care if they no longer wish to seek curative care, or if their medical team has advised that there are no further treatment options. Hospice pursues quality of life with an interdisciplinary team approach—from the highest standard of medical support to comforting services like music and pet therapy—so it’s not just about the disease, but about social and spiritual needs as well. It addresses these things not just for the patient, but for the family and the people who are supporting that person.

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Hospice & Living Well:
The Patrick King Story

OLP In-Home Hospice patient Patrick King and Social Work Supervisor Nikki Hauf share their perspective on the benefits of hospice and considering hospice early.

Because hospice is focused on quality of life, patients get the most benefit when they consider it as soon as they are eligible.



Our Lady of Peace is a non-profit, Medicare-certified hospice provider that has served our community for over 80 years.

From our expert symptom management to our commitment to patient hygiene, our unparalleled empathy comforts and soothes, so you and your family can spend precious time with your loved one when moments together mean the most.

We’re proud to offer a variety of care and support types.

In-Home Hospice

Hospice WHEREVER home may be.

Residential Hospice

For hospice care in OUR St. Paul home.

Home Health Care

For extra assistance & care at home.


In-Home Hospice:
Safe, exceptional end-of-life care wherever home may be.

Our in-home Hospice program provides end-of-life care to those living at home, in senior communities, long-term care facilities, or wherever else they call home. Our dedicated team makes our patients’ final days, weeks, or months as peaceful and comfortable as possible. We follow best COVID-19 practices and provide our own PPE. Patients, families, and staff remain safely connected using the latest technology.

Learn more about Hospice →


Residential Hospice:
A welcoming place of peace and compassion in St. Paul.

We are a non-profit, welcoming organization that has faithfully served the St. Paul area for over 80 years. Our consistent care teams, dedicated staff, and whole-family support ensure a personalized hospice experience grounded in dignity, compassion, and faith. Care is provided at no cost to patients and families.

Learn more about our Residential Hospice home →


Care Team

Home Health Care:
When extra assistance is needed at home.

Recovering from an injury, surgery or illness can present serious challenges at home. Our expert care teams work with your loved one’s current physician to provide optimal care when it’s needed most. Services include post-op care, physical therapy, skilled nursing (RN), wound care, palliative care, and more.

Learn more about Home Health Care →

We are here to help

The end of life is full of physical and emotional challenges. We’re here to help you explore options and assist in answering the difficult questions.

Everyone has the right to choose their hospice care provider regardless of where previous medical care was given. We are a non-profit, Medicare-certified care provider that has served the Twin Cities since 1941. We believe it is our sacred duty to provide care, comfort, and compassion to those in need of end-of-life services, regardless of social, religious, or economic status.